<translate> {{<tvar name=1>PLURAL:2</tvar>|shortcut|shortcuts}}:</translate> {{TNTN}} {{tntn}}

Templat:Translatable template name/doc

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[[Category:Languages pages{{#translation:}}]]

Purpose[sunting sumber]

This template is used to return the name of translatable templates in the language of the current page. Templates, like all other MediaWiki pages, can be translated using the

  1. REDIRECT Template:Localized link extension, which creates subpages with the form "pagename/language code". The template first checks if the name of the page contains a language code. If it does, it then checks if the template name given as a first parameter has a translation in that language. If the page name does not contain a language code, or if the navigation template doesn't exist in that language, it will display the English template.

How to use[sunting sumber]

  • {{ {{Translatable template name|name of navigation template}}|parameters....}}
  • {{ {{TNTN|name of navigation template}}|parameters....}}
  • {{ {{tntn|name of navigation template}}|parameters....}}

Example (from translatable meta:Template:Meta, used in translatable page meta:Meta:About):

{{Translatable template name|Navbar}} or {{TNTN|Navbar}}

which returns the translated versions of {{Navbar}} if it exists, or the English version if translations don't exist.

Parameters[sunting sumber]

The current version of the template may now include any kind of named or numbered parameters, whose values will be transferred into the called template (except for parameter 1 containing the basename of the translatable template to transclude). Numbered parameters will be shifted down by one position, all named parameters will be passed unchanged.

One named parameter is treated specially:

  • {{Translatable template name|tntns=:somename:|page name}}
  • {{TNTN|tntns=:somename:|page name}}
  • {{tntn|tntns=:somename:|page name}}

This tntns will be used to specify another namespace from which the translatable pagename will be transcluded, instead of referencing the page name from the default :Template: namespace. Note that this parameter is also passed (without modification) within the parameters of the transclusion.

Example with one parameters (from meta:Meta:About which is translatable):

  • {{ {{TNTN|Navbar}} |Meta:About}}

Dependency[sunting sumber]

See also[sunting sumber]