Templat:Navbox/bak pasir

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Penggunaan[sunting sumber]

No image[sunting sumber]

 {{Navbox/bak pasir
 | name  = Navbox/bak pasir/dok
 | title = [[MSC Malaysia]]
 | listclass = hlist

 | group1 = Centre
 | list1  =
 * [[Cyberjaya]]

 | group2 = Area
 | list2  =
 * [[Klang Valley]]

 | group3 = Major landmarks
 | list3  =
 * [[Petronas Twin Towers]]
 * [[Kuala Lumpur Tower]]
 * [[Kuala Lumpur Sentral]]
 * [[Technology Park Malaysia]]
 * [[Putrajaya]]
 * [[Cyberjaya]]
 * [[Kuala Lumpur International Airport]]

 | group4 = Infrastructure
 | list4  =
 * [[Express Rail Link]]
 * [[KL-KLIA Dedicated Expressway]]

 | group5 = Prime applications
 | list5  =
 * [[E-Government]]
 * [[MyKad]]

With image, without groups[sunting sumber]

 {{Navbox/bak pasir
 | name  = Navbox/bak pasir/dok
 | title = [[MSC Malaysia]]
 | listclass = hlist
 | image = [[File:Flag of Malaysia.svg|80px|link=|alt=]]

 | list1 =
 * [[Petronas Twin Towers]]
 * [[Kuala Lumpur Tower]]
 * [[Kuala Lumpur Sentral]]
 * [[Technology Park Malaysia]]
 * [[Putrajaya]]
 * [[Cyberjaya]]
 * [[Kuala Lumpur International Airport]]

With two images, without groups, multiple lists[sunting sumber]

 {{Navbox/bak pasir
 | name  = Navbox/bak pasir/dok
 | title = [[MSC Malaysia]]
 | listclass = hlist
 | image = [[File:Flag of Malaysia.svg|80px|link=|alt=]]
 | imageleft = [[File:Flag of Malaysia.svg|80px]]

 | list1 =
 * [[Petronas Twin Towers]]
 * [[Kuala Lumpur Tower]]
 * [[Kuala Lumpur Sentral]]

 | list2 =
 * [[Express Rail Link]]
 * [[KL-KLIA Dedicated Expressway]]

 | list3 =
 * [[E-Government]]
 * [[MyKad]]

 | list4 =
 * [[Klang Valley]]

With image, groups, above, below[sunting sumber]

 {{Navbox/bak pasir
 | name  = Navbox/bak pasir/dok
 | title = [[MSC Malaysia]]
 | listclass = hlist
 | above = Above text goes here
 | image = [[File:Flag of Malaysia.svg|80px|link=|alt=]]

 | group1 = Centre
 | list1  =
 * [[Cyberjaya]]

 | group2 = Area
 | list2  =
 * [[Klang Valley]]

 | group3 = Major landmarks
 | list3  =
 * [[Petronas Twin Towers]]
 * [[Kuala Lumpur Tower]]
 * [[Kuala Lumpur Sentral]]
 * [[Technology Park Malaysia]]
 * [[Putrajaya]]
 * [[Cyberjaya]]

 | group4 = Infrastructure
 | list4  =
 * [[Express Rail Link]]
 * [[KL-KLIA Dedicated Expressway]]

 | group5 = Prime applications
 | list5  =
 * [[E-Government]]
 * [[MyKad]]

 | below  = Below text goes here

Child navboxes[sunting sumber]

It is possible to place multiple navboxes within a single border by using "child" as the first parameter, or by setting the border parameter. The basic code for doing this is as follows (which adds a subgroup for the first group/list area):

 {{Navbox/bak pasir
| name = {{subst:PAGENAME}}
| title = Title

| group1 = [optional]
| list1  =  {{Navbox/bak pasir|child
   ...child navbox parameters...


Subgroups example[sunting sumber]

This example shows two subgroups created using child as the first unnamed parameter. The striping is alternated automatically. To remove the striping altogether, you can set liststyle = background:transparent; in each of the navboxes.

Multiple show/hides in a single container[sunting sumber]

The example below is generated using a regular navbox for the main container, then its list1, list2, and list3 parameters each contain another navbox, with 1 = child set. The view (v), discuss (d), edit (e) navbar links are hidden using navbar = plain for each of them, or could be suppressed by just leaving out the name parameter (child navboxes do not require the name parameter to be set, unlike regular navboxes).