Modul:Protection banner/config
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![]() | Modul ini dilindungi. Modul ini sangat mencolok yang digunakan oleh banyak halaman, atau sangat sering disubstitusikan. Karena vandalisme atau kesalahan akan mempengaruhi banyak halaman, dan suntingan kecil dapat memberi beban besar pada server, modul ini dilindungi dari penyuntingan. |
![]() | Modul Lua ini digunakan pada banyak halaman dan perubahannya kemungkinan dipantau. Uji cobalah di subhalaman /bak pasir atau /kasus uji modul, atau bak pasir modul Anda. Pertimbangkan untuk mendiskusikan perubahan di halaman pembicaraan sebelum mengimplementasikannya. |
This module contains configuration data for Module:Protection banner. For documentation please see the module comments, and if you're not sure how something works you can ask on the module talk page.
-- This module provides configuration data for [[Module:Protection banner]]. return { -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- BANNER DATA -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --[[ -- Banner data consists of six fields: -- * text - the main protection text that appears at the top of protection -- banners. -- * explanation - the text that appears below the main protection text, used -- to explain the details of the protection. -- * tooltip - the tooltip text you see when you move the mouse over a small -- padlock icon. -- * link - the page that the small padlock icon links to. -- * alt - the alt text for the small padlock icon. This is also used as tooltip -- text for the large protection banners. -- * image - the padlock image used in both protection banners and small padlock -- icons. -- -- The module checks in three separate tables to find a value for each field. -- First it checks the banners table, which has values specific to the reason -- for the page being protected. Then the module checks the defaultBanners -- table, which has values specific to each protection level. Finally, the -- module checks the masterBanner table, which holds data for protection -- templates to use if no data has been found in the previous two tables. -- -- The values in the banner data can take parameters. These are specified -- using ${TEXTLIKETHIS} (a dollar sign preceding a parameter name -- enclosed in curly braces). -- -- Available parameters: -- -- ${CURRENTVERSION} - a link to the page history or the move log, with the -- display message "current-version-edit-display" or -- "current-version-move-display". -- -- ${EDITREQUEST} - a link to create an edit request for the current page. -- -- ${EXPLANATIONBLURB} - an explanation blurb, e.g. "Please discuss any changes -- on the talk page; you may submit a request to ask an administrator to make -- an edit if it is minor or supported by consensus." -- -- ${IMAGELINK} - a link to set the image to, depending on the protection -- action and protection level. -- -- ${INTROBLURB} - the PROTECTIONBLURB parameter, plus the expiry if an expiry -- is set. E.g. "Editing of this page by new or unregistered users is currently -- disabled until dd Month YYYY." -- -- ${INTROFRAGMENT} - the same as ${INTROBLURB}, but without final punctuation -- so that it can be used in run-on sentences. -- -- ${PAGETYPE} - the type of the page, e.g. "article" or "template". -- Defined in the cfg.pagetypes table. -- -- ${PROTECTIONBLURB} - a blurb explaining the protection level of the page, e.g. -- "Editing of this page by new or unregistered users is currently disabled" -- -- ${PROTECTIONDATE} - the protection date, if it has been supplied to the -- template. -- -- ${PROTECTIONLEVEL} - the protection level, e.g. "fully protected" or -- "semi-protected". -- -- ${PROTECTIONLOG} - a link to the protection log or the pending changes log, -- depending on the protection action. -- -- ${TALKPAGE} - a link to the talk page. If a section is specified, links -- straight to that talk page section. -- -- ${TOOLTIPBLURB} - uses the PAGETYPE, PROTECTIONTYPE and EXPIRY parameters to -- create a blurb like "This template is semi-protected", or "This article is -- move-protected until DD Month YYYY". -- -- ${VANDAL} - links for the specified username (or the root page name) -- using Module:Vandal-m. -- -- Functions -- -- For advanced users, it is possible to use Lua functions instead of strings -- in the banner config tables. Using functions gives flexibility that is not -- possible just by using parameters. Functions take two arguments, the -- protection object and the template arguments, and they must output a string. -- -- For example: -- -- text = function (protectionObj, args) -- if protectionObj.level == 'autoconfirmed' then -- return 'foo' -- else -- return 'bar' -- end -- end -- -- Some protection object properties and methods that may be useful: -- protectionObj.action - the protection action -- protectionObj.level - the protection level -- protectionObj.reason - the protection reason -- protectionObj.expiry - the expiry. Nil if unset, the string "indef" if set -- to indefinite, and the protection time in unix time if temporary. -- protectionObj.protectionDate - the protection date in unix time, or nil if -- unspecified. -- protectionObj.bannerConfig - the banner config found by the module. Beware -- of editing the config field used by the function, as it could create an -- infinite loop. -- protectionObj:isProtected - returns a boolean showing whether the page is -- protected. -- protectionObj:isTemporary - returns a boolean showing whether the expiry is -- temporary. -- protectionObj:isIncorrect - returns a boolean showing whether the protection -- template is incorrect. --]] -- The master banner data, used if no values have been found in banners or -- defaultBanners. masterBanner = { text = '${INTROBLURB}', explanation = '${EXPLANATIONBLURB}', tooltip = '${TOOLTIPBLURB}', link = '${IMAGELINK}', alt = 'Halaman yang ${PROTECTIONLEVEL}' }, -- The default banner data. This holds banner data for different protection -- levels. -- *required* - this table needs edit, move, autoreview and upload subtables. defaultBanners = { edit = {}, move = {}, autoreview = { autoconfirmed = { alt = 'Halaman yang dilindungi dengan perubahan tertunda tingkat 1', tooltip = 'Semua suntingan oleh pengguna baru dan anonim harus ditinjau sebelum terlihat oleh para pengguna yang tidak terdaftar', image = 'Pending-protection-shackle.svg' }, default = { alt = 'Halaman yang dilindungi dengan perubahan tertunda tingkat 2', tooltip = 'Semua suntingan oleh pengguna yang bukan peninjau atau pengurus' .. ' harus ditinjau sebelum terlihat oleh para pengguna yang tidak terdaftar', image = 'Pending-protection-shackle.svg' } }, upload = {} }, -- The banner data. This holds banner data for different protection reasons. -- In fact, the reasons specified in this table control which reasons are -- valid inputs to the first positional parameter. -- -- There is also a non-standard "description" field that can be used for items -- in this table. This is a description of the protection reason for use in the -- module documentation. -- -- *required* - this table needs edit, move, autoreview and upload subtables. banners = { edit = { blp = { description = 'For pages protected to promote compliance with the' .. ' [[Wikipedia:Biographies of living persons' .. '|biographies of living persons]] policy', text = '${INTROFRAGMENT} to promote compliance with' .. ' [[Wikipedia:Biographies of living persons' .. "|Wikipedia's policy on the biographies" .. ' of living people]].', tooltip = '${TOOLTIPFRAGMENT} to promote compliance with the policy on' .. ' biographies of living people', }, dmca = { description = 'For pages protected by the Wikimedia Foundation' .. ' due to [[Digital Millennium Copyright Act]] takedown requests', explanation = function (protectionObj, args) local ret = 'Pursuant to a rights owner notice under the Digital' .. ' Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) regarding some content' .. ' in this article, the Wikimedia Foundation acted under' .. ' applicable law and took down and restricted the content' .. ' in question.' if args.notice then ret = ret .. ' A copy of the received notice can be found here: ' .. args.notice .. '.' end ret = ret .. ' For more information, including websites discussing' .. ' how to file a counter-notice, please see' .. " [[Wikipedia:Office actions]] and the article's ${TALKPAGE}." .. "'''Do not remove this template from the article until the" .. " restrictions are withdrawn'''." return ret end, image = 'Office-protection-shackle.svg', }, dispute = { description = 'Untuk halaman yang dilindungi karena perang suntingan', text = function (protectionObj, args) -- Find the value of "disputes". local display = 'dipertentangkan' local disputes if args.section then disputes = string.format( '[[%s:%s#%s|%s]]',[protectionObj.title.namespace], protectionObj.title.text, args.section, display ) else disputes = display end -- Make the blurb, depending on the expiry. local msg if type(protectionObj.expiry) == 'number' then msg = '${INTROFRAGMENT} atau hingga penyuntingan %s terselesaikan.' else msg = '${INTROFRAGMENT} hingga penyuntingan %s terselesaikan.' end return string.format(msg, disputes) end, explanation = "Pelindungan ini '''bukan''' merupakan bentuk dukungan terhadap" .. ' ${CURRENTVERSION}. ${EXPLANATIONBLURB}', tooltip = '${TOOLTIPFRAGMENT} karena perang suntingan', }, ecp = { description = 'For articles in topic areas authorized by' .. ' [[Wikipedia:Arbitration Committee|ArbCom]] or' .. ' meets the criteria for community use', tooltip = 'This ${PAGETYPE} is extended-confirmed protected', alt = 'Extended-protected ${PAGETYPE}', }, mainpage = { description = 'Untuk halaman yang dilindungi karena ditampilkan di [[Halaman Utama]]', text = 'Berkas ini sekarang' .. ' [[Wikipedia:Halaman ini dilindungi|dilindungi]] dari' .. ' penyuntingan karena akan segera ditampilkan' .. ' di [[Halaman Utama]].', explanation = 'Gambar di Halaman Utama dilindungi karena keterlihatan' .. ' yang tinggi. Mohon diskusikan perubahan yang diperlukan di ${TALKPAGE}.' .. '<br /><span style="font-size:90%;">' .. "'''Pengurus:''' Setelah berkas ini sudah tidak berada di Halaman Utama," .. ' mohon lepaskan pelindungan, atau turunkan menjadi pelindungan sebagian,' .. ' sesuai konteksnya.</span>', }, office = { description = 'Untuk halaman yang dilindungi oleh Yayasan Wikimedia', text = function (protectionObj, args) local ret = '${PAGETYPE} ini sekarang berada' .. ' dalam pengawasan dari' .. ' [[Wikipedia:Office actions|Kantor Yayasan Wikimedia]]' .. ' dan telah dilindungi.' if protectionObj.protectionDate then ret = ret .. ' Halaman ini telah dilindungi sejak ${PROTECTIONDATE}.' end return ret end, explanation = "If you can edit this page, please discuss all changes and" .. " additions on the ${TALKPAGE} first. '''Do not remove protection from this" .. " page unless you are authorized by the Wikimedia Foundation to do" .. " so.'''", image = 'Office-protection-shackle.svg', }, reset = { description = 'Untuk halaman yang dilindungi oleh Yayasan Wikimedia dan' .. ' "diatur ulang" ke versi terdahulu', text = '${PAGETYPE} ini sekarang berada' .. ' dalam pengawasan dari' .. ' [[Wikipedia:Office actions|Kantor Yayasan Wikimedia]]' .. ' dan telah dilindungi.', explanation = function (protectionObj, args) local ret = '' if protectionObj.protectionDate then ret = ret .. 'Pada tanggal ${PROTECTIONDATE}, ${PAGETYPE} ini telah' else ret = ret .. '${PAGETYPE} ini telah' end ret = ret .. ' reduced to a' .. ' simplified, "bare bones" version so that it may be completely' .. ' rewritten to ensure it meets the policies of' .. ' [[WP:NPOV|Neutral Point of View]] and [[WP:V|Verifiability]].' .. ' Standard Wikipedia policies will apply to its rewriting—which' .. ' will eventually be open to all editors—and will be strictly' .. ' enforced. The ${PAGETYPE} has been ${PROTECTIONLEVEL} while' .. ' it is being rebuilt.\n\n' .. 'Any insertion of material directly from' .. ' pre-protection revisions of the ${PAGETYPE} will be removed, as' .. ' will any material added to the ${PAGETYPE} that is not properly' .. ' sourced. The associated talk page(s) were also cleared on the' .. " same date.\n\n" .. "If you can edit this page, please discuss all changes and" .. " additions on the ${TALKPAGE} first. '''Do not override" .. " this action, and do not remove protection from this page," .. " unless you are authorized by the Wikimedia Foundation" .. " to do so. No editor may remove this notice.'''" return ret end, image = 'Office-protection-shackle.svg', }, sock = { description = 'For pages protected due to' .. ' [[Wikipedia:Sock puppetry|sock puppetry]]', text = '${INTROFRAGMENT} to prevent [[Wikipedia:Sock puppetry|sock puppets]] of' .. ' [[Wikipedia:Blocking policy|blocked]] or' .. ' [[Wikipedia:Banning policy|banned users]]' .. ' from editing it.', tooltip = '${TOOLTIPFRAGMENT} to prevent sock puppets of blocked or banned users from' .. ' editing it', }, template = { description = 'Untuk templat dan modul Lua [[Wikipedia:High-risk templates|high-risk]]' .. 'berisiko tinggi', text = 'Ini adalah ${PAGETYPE} yang [[Bantuan:Pelindungan|dilindungi]],' .. ' karena memiliki [[Wikipedia:Templat berisiko tinggi|risiko tinggi]].', explanation = 'Mohon diskusikan perubahan yang ingin dilakukan di ${TALKPAGE}; Anda' .. ' mungkin ${EDITREQUEST} untuk meminta' .. ' [[Wikipedia:Pengurus|pengurus]] atau' .. ' [[Wikipedia:Template editor|template editor]] untuk melakukan penyuntingan jika' .. ' itu [[Bantuan:Suntingan kecil#Kapan saat yang tepat untuk menandai sebuah suntingan sebagai suntingan kecil' .. '|tidak kontroversial]] atau didukung oleh' .. ' [[Wikipedia:Konsensus|konsensus]]. Anda juga dapat' .. ' [[Wikipedia:Permohonan pelindungan halaman|memohon]] agar halaman tersebut tidak' .. ' dilindungi lagi.', tooltip = '${PAGETYPE} berisiko tinggi ini ${PROTECTIONLEVEL} permanen' .. ' untuk menghindari vandalisme', alt = '${PAGETYPE} yang dilindungi permanen', }, usertalk = { description = 'For pages protected against disruptive edits by a' .. ' particular user', text = '${INTROFRAGMENT} to prevent ${VANDAL} from using it to make disruptive edits,' .. ' such as abusing the' .. ' {{[[Template:unblock|unblock]]}} template.', explanation = 'If you cannot edit this user talk page and you need to' .. ' make a change or leave a message, you can' .. ' [[Wikipedia:Requests for page protection' .. '#Current requests for edits to a protected page' .. '|request an edit]],' .. ' [[Wikipedia:Requests for page protection' .. '#Current requests for reduction in protection level' .. '|request unprotection]],' .. ' [[Special:Userlogin|log in]],' .. ' or [[Special:UserLogin/signup|create an account]].', }, vandalism = { description = 'Untuk halaman yang dilindungi dari' .. ' [[Wikipedia:Vandalism|vandalism]]', text = '${INTROFRAGMENT} karena [[Wikipedia:Vandalisme|vandalisme]].', explanation = function (protectionObj, args) local ret = '' if protectionObj.level == 'sysop' then ret = ret .. "Perlindungan ini '''bukan''' suatu bentuk persetujuan terhadap" .. ' ${CURRENTVERSION}. ' end return ret .. '${EXPLANATIONBLURB}' end, tooltip = '${TOOLTIPFRAGMENT} karena vandalisme', } }, move = { dispute = { description = 'For pages protected against page moves due to' .. ' disputes over the page title', explanation = "Perlindungan ini '''bukan''' suatu bentuk persetujuan terhadap" .. ' ${CURRENTVERSION}. ${EXPLANATIONBLURB}', image = 'Padlock-olive.svg' }, vandalism = { description = 'For pages protected against' .. ' [[Wikipedia:Vandalism#Page-move vandalism' .. ' |page-move vandalism]]' } }, autoreview = {}, upload = {} }, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- GENERAL DATA TABLES -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Protection blurbs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This table produces the protection blurbs available with the -- ${PROTECTIONBLURB} parameter. It is sorted by protection action and -- protection level, and is checked by the module in the following order: -- 1. page's protection action, page's protection level -- 2. page's protection action, default protection level -- 3. "edit" protection action, default protection level -- -- It is possible to use banner parameters inside this table. -- *required* - this table needs edit, move, autoreview and upload subtables. protectionBlurbs = { edit = { default = '${PAGETYPE} ini sekarang sedang [[Bantuan:Pelindungan|' .. 'dilindungi]] dari penyuntingan', autoconfirmed = 'Penyuntingan ${PAGETYPE} oleh pengguna [[Wikipedia:Kelompok' .. ' pengguna#Pengguna baru|baru]] atau [[Wikipedia:Kelompok pengguna#Pengguna' .. ' anonim|anonim]] untuk saat ini [[Bantuan:Pelindungan|tidak diizinkan]]', extendedconfirmed = '${PAGETYPE} ini sekarang sedang ${PROTECTIONLEVEL} sebagai hasil dari' .. ' penegakan [[Wikipedia:Komite Arbitrasi|ArbCom]] atau telah memenuhi' .. ' [[Wikipedia:Kebijakan pelindungan#extended|kriteria untuk penggunaan komunitas]]', }, move = { default = '${PAGETYPE} ini sekarang sedang [[Bantuan:Pelindungan|dilindungi]]' .. ' dari [[Bantuan:Bantuan:Pemindahan|pemindahan]]' }, autoreview = { autoconfirmed = 'Semua suntingan yang dilakukan di ${PAGETYPE} ini oleh' .. ' pengguna [[Wikipedia:Kelompok pengguna#Pengguna baru|baru]] atau' .. ' [[Wikipedia:Kelompok pengguna#Pengguna anonim|anonim]]' .. ' sekarang sedang' .. ' [[Wikipedia:Perubahan tertunda|ditinjau ulang]]', default = 'Semua suntingan yang dilakukan di ${PAGETYPE} ini oleh pengguna yang bukan' .. ' [[Wikipedia:Peninjauan|peninjau]] atau' .. ' [[Wikipedia:Pengurus|pengurus]] sekarang sedang' .. ' [[Wikipedia:Perubahan tertunda|ditinjau ulang]]' }, upload = { default = 'Mengunggah versi baru dari ${PAGETYPE} ini sekarang sedang tidak diizinkan' } }, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Explanation blurbs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This table produces the explanation blurbs available with the -- ${EXPLANATIONBLURB} parameter. It is sorted by protection action, -- protection level, and whether the page is a talk page or not. If the page is -- a talk page it will have a talk key of "talk"; otherwise it will have a talk -- key of "subject". The table is checked in the following order: -- 1. page's protection action, page's protection level, page's talk key -- 2. page's protection action, page's protection level, default talk key -- 3. page's protection action, default protection level, page's talk key -- 4. page's protection action, default protection level, default talk key -- -- It is possible to use banner parameters inside this table. -- *required* - this table needs edit, move, autoreview and upload subtables. explanationBlurbs = { edit = { autoconfirmed = { subject = 'Lihat [[Wikipedia:Kebijakan pelindungan|' .. 'kebijakan pelindungan]] dan ${PROTECTIONLOG} untuk informasi selengkapnya. Jika Anda' .. ' tidak dapat menyunting ${PAGETYPE} ini dan Anda ingin melakukannya, Anda dapat' .. ' memohon ${EDITREQUEST}, diskusikan perubahan yang ingin dilakukan di ${TALKPAGE},' .. ' [[Wikipedia:Requests for page protection' .. '#Current requests for reduction in protection level' .. '|memohon untuk melepaskan pelindungan]], [[Special:Userlogin|masuk]], atau' .. ' [[Special:UserLogin/signup|buatlah sebuah akun]].', default = 'Lihat [[Wikipedia:Kebijakan pelindungan|' .. 'kebijakan pelindungan]] dan ${PROTECTIONLOG} untuk informasi selengkapnya. Jika Anda' .. ' tidak dapat menyunting ${PAGETYPE} ini dan Anda ingin melakukannya, Anda dapat' .. ' [[Wikipedia:Requests for page protection' .. '#Current requests for reduction in protection level' .. '|memohon untuk melepaskan pelindungan]], [[Special:Userlogin|masuk]], atau' .. ' [[Special:UserLogin/signup|buatlah sebuah akun]].', }, extendedconfirmed = { default = 'Extended confirmed protection prevents edits from all IP editors' .. ' and registered users with fewer than 30 days tenure and 500 edits.' .. ' The [[Wikipedia:Protection policy#extended|policy on community use]]' .. ' specifies that extended confirmed protection can be applied to combat' .. ' disruption, given that semi-protection has proven to be ineffective.' .. ' Please discuss any changes on the ${TALKPAGE}; you may' .. ' ${EDITREQUEST} to ask for unconversial changes supported by' .. ' [[Wikipedia:Consensus|consensus]].' }, default = { subject = 'Lihat [[Wikipedia:Kebijakan pelindungan|' .. 'kebijakan pelindungan]] dan ${PROTECTIONLOG} untuk informasi selengkapnya.' .. ' Mohon diskusikan perubahan yang ingin dilakukan di ${TALKPAGE}; Anda' .. ' mungkin ingin ${EDITREQUEST} untuk meminta' .. ' [[Wikipedia:Pengurus|pengurus]] untuk melakukan penyuntingan apabila' .. ' permintaan tersebut [[Bantuan:Suntingan kecil#Kapan saat untuk menandai sebuah suntingan sebagai suntingan kecil' .. '|tidak kontroversial]] atau didukung oleh [[Wikipedia:Konsensus' .. '|konsensus]]. Anda mungkin juga ingin [[Wikipedia:Permintaan' .. ' pelindungan halaman' .. '|memohon]] agar halaman ini tidak dilindungi.', default = 'See the [[Wikipedia:Protection policy|' .. 'protection policy]] and ${PROTECTIONLOG} for more details.' .. ' You may [[Wikipedia:Requests for page' .. ' protection#Current requests for edits to a protected page|request an' .. ' edit]] to this page, or [[Wikipedia:Requests for' .. ' page protection#Current requests for reduction in protection level' .. '|ask]] for it to be unprotected.' } }, move = { default = { subject = 'See the [[Wikipedia:Protection policy|' .. 'protection policy]] and ${PROTECTIONLOG} for more details.' .. ' The page may still be edited but cannot be moved' .. ' until unprotected. Please discuss any suggested moves on the' .. ' ${TALKPAGE} or at [[Wikipedia:Requested moves]]. You can also' .. ' [[Wikipedia:Requests for page protection|request]] that the page be' .. ' unprotected.', default = 'See the [[Wikipedia:Protection policy|' .. 'protection policy]] and ${PROTECTIONLOG} for more details.' .. ' The page may still be edited but cannot be moved' .. ' until unprotected. Please discuss any suggested moves at' .. ' [[Wikipedia:Requested moves]]. You can also' .. ' [[Wikipedia:Requests for page protection|request]] that the page be' .. ' unprotected.' } }, autoreview = { default = { reviewer = 'Lihat [[Wikipedia:Kebijakan pelindungan|' .. 'kebijakan pelindungan]] dan ${PROTECTIONLOG} untuk informasi selengkapnya.' .. ' Edits to this ${PAGETYPE} will not be visible to readers' .. ' until they are accepted by a reviewer or an administrator.' .. ' To avoid the need for your edits to be reviewed, you may' .. ' [[Wikipedia:Requests for page protection' .. '#Current requests for reduction in protection level' .. '|request unprotection]]. Experienced editors may also' .. ' request the [[Wikipedia:Reviewing|reviewer user right]].', default = 'Lihat [[Wikipedia:Kebijakan pelindungan|' .. 'kebijakan pelindungan]] dan ${PROTECTIONLOG} untuk informasi selengkapnya.' .. ' Penyuntingan di halaman ${PAGETYPE} oleh pengguna baru atau belum terdaftar' .. ' tidak akan ditampilkan kepada para pembaca hingga disetujui oleh' .. ' seorang peninjau. Untuk menghindari agar suntingan yang Anda lakukan' .. ' ditinjau, Anda mungkin tertarik untuk' .. ' [[Wikipedia:Permintaan pelindungan halaman' .. '#Permintaan saat ini untuk pembukaan tingkat pelindungan' .. '|meminta pembukaan pelindungan]], [[Special:Userlogin|masuk]], atau' .. ' [[Special:UserLogin/signup|membuat sebuah akun pengguna]].' }, }, upload = { default = { default = 'Lihat [[Wikipedia:Kebijakan pelindungan|' .. 'kebijakan pelindungan]] dan ${PROTECTIONLOG} untuk informasi selengkapnya.' .. ' Halaman ini mungkin saja masih bisa disunting tetapi versi baru dari berkas ini' .. ' tidak apat diunggah hingga halaman ini tidak dilindungi lagi. Anda dapat' .. ' meminta versi baru untuk diunggah dengan menggunakan' .. ' [[Wikipedia:Permintaan penyuntingan|permintaan penyuntingan halaman yang dilindungi]], atau Anda' .. ' dapat [[Wikipedia:Permintaan pelindungan halaman|meminta]]' .. ' agar berkas tersebut tidak dilindungi lagi.' } } }, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Protection levels -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This table provides the data for the ${PROTECTIONLEVEL} parameter, which -- produces a short label for different protection levels. It is sorted by -- protection action and protection level, and is checked in the following -- order: -- 1. page's protection action, page's protection level -- 2. page's protection action, default protection level -- 3. "edit" protection action, default protection level -- -- It is possible to use banner parameters inside this table. -- *required* - this table needs edit, move, autoreview and upload subtables. protectionLevels = { edit = { default = 'dilindungi', templateeditor = 'hanya dapat disunting oleh penyunting templat', extendedconfirmed = 'hanya dapat disunting oleh pengguna terkonfirmasi lanjutan', autoconfirmed = 'dilindungi semi', }, move = { default = 'dilindungi dari pemindahan' }, autoreview = { }, upload = { default = 'dilindungi dari pengunggahan' } }, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Images -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This table lists different padlock images for each protection action and -- protection level. It is used if an image is not specified in any of the -- banner data tables, and if the page does not satisfy the conditions for using -- the ['image-filename-indef'] image. It is checked in the following order: -- 1. page's protection action, page's protection level -- 2. page's protection action, default protection level images = { edit = { default = 'Full-protection-shackle.svg', templateeditor = 'Template-protection-shackle.svg', extendedconfirmed = 'Extended-protection-shackle.svg', autoconfirmed = 'Semi-protection-shackle.svg' }, move = { default = 'Move-protection-shackle.svg', }, autoreview = { default = 'Pending-protection-shackle.svg' }, upload = { default = 'Upload-protection-shackle.svg' } }, -- Pages with a reason specified in this table will show the special "indef" -- padlock, defined in the 'image-filename-indef' message, if no expiry is set. indefImageReasons = { template = true }, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Image links -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This table provides the data for the ${IMAGELINK} parameter, which gets -- the image link for small padlock icons based on the page's protection action -- and protection level. It is checked in the following order: -- 1. page's protection action, page's protection level -- 2. page's protection action, default protection level -- 3. "edit" protection action, default protection level -- -- It is possible to use banner parameters inside this table. -- *required* - this table needs edit, move, autoreview and upload subtables. imageLinks = { edit = { default = 'Wikipedia:Kebijakan pelindungan#full', templateeditor = 'Wikipedia:Kebijakan pelindungan#template', extendedconfirmed = 'Wikipedia:Kebijakan pelindungan#extended', autoconfirmed = 'Wikipedia:Kebijakan pelindungan#semi' }, move = { default = 'Wikipedia:Kebijakan pelindungan#move' }, autoreview = { autoconfirmed = 'Wikipedia:Kebijakan pelindungan#pc1', reviewer = 'Wikipedia:Kebijakan pelindungan#pc2' }, upload = { default = 'Wikipedia:Kebijakan pelindungan#upload' } }, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Padlock indicator names -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This table provides the "name" attribute for the <indicator> extension tag -- with which small padlock icons are generated. All indicator tags on a page -- are displayed in alphabetical order based on this attribute, and with -- indicator tags with duplicate names, the last tag on the page wins. -- The attribute is chosen based on the protection action; table keys must be a -- protection action name or the string "default". padlockIndicatorNames = { autoreview = 'pp-autoreview', default = 'pp-default' }, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Protection categories -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --[[ -- The protection categories are stored in the protectionCategories table. -- Keys to this table are made up of the following strings: -- -- 1. the expiry date -- 2. the namespace -- 3. the protection reason (e.g. "dispute" or "vandalism") -- 4. the protection level (e.g. "sysop" or "autoconfirmed") -- 5. the action (e.g. "edit" or "move") -- -- When the module looks up a category in the table, first it will will check to -- see a key exists that corresponds to all five parameters. For example, a -- user page semi-protected from vandalism for two weeks would have the key -- "temp-user-vandalism-autoconfirmed-edit". If no match is found, the module -- changes the first part of the key to "all" and checks the table again. It -- keeps checking increasingly generic key combinations until it finds the -- field, or until it reaches the key "all-all-all-all-all". -- -- The module uses a binary matrix to determine the order in which to search. -- This is best demonstrated by a table. In this table, the "0" values -- represent "all", and the "1" values represent the original data (e.g. -- "indef" or "file" or "vandalism"). -- -- expiry namespace reason level action -- order -- 1 1 1 1 1 1 -- 2 0 1 1 1 1 -- 3 1 0 1 1 1 -- 4 0 0 1 1 1 -- 5 1 1 0 1 1 -- 6 0 1 0 1 1 -- 7 1 0 0 1 1 -- 8 0 0 0 1 1 -- 9 1 1 1 0 1 -- 10 0 1 1 0 1 -- 11 1 0 1 0 1 -- 12 0 0 1 0 1 -- 13 1 1 0 0 1 -- 14 0 1 0 0 1 -- 15 1 0 0 0 1 -- 16 0 0 0 0 1 -- 17 1 1 1 1 0 -- 18 0 1 1 1 0 -- 19 1 0 1 1 0 -- 20 0 0 1 1 0 -- 21 1 1 0 1 0 -- 22 0 1 0 1 0 -- 23 1 0 0 1 0 -- 24 0 0 0 1 0 -- 25 1 1 1 0 0 -- 26 0 1 1 0 0 -- 27 1 0 1 0 0 -- 28 0 0 1 0 0 -- 29 1 1 0 0 0 -- 30 0 1 0 0 0 -- 31 1 0 0 0 0 -- 32 0 0 0 0 0 -- -- In this scheme the action has the highest priority, as it is the last -- to change, and the expiry has the least priority, as it changes the most. -- The priorities of the expiry, the protection level and the action are -- fixed, but the priorities of the reason and the namespace can be swapped -- through the use of the cfg.bannerDataNamespaceHasPriority table. --]] -- If the reason specified to the template is listed in this table, -- namespace data will take priority over reason data in the protectionCategories -- table. reasonsWithNamespacePriority = { vandalism = true, }, -- The string to use as a namespace key for the protectionCategories table for each -- namespace number. categoryNamespaceKeys = { [ 2] = 'pengguna', [ 3] = 'pengguna', [ 4] = 'wikipedia', [ 6] = 'berkas', [ 8] = 'mediawiki', [ 10] = 'templat', [ 12] = 'wikipedia', [ 14] = 'kategori', [100] = 'portal', [828] = 'modul', }, protectionCategories = { ['all|all|all|all|all'] = 'Halaman Wikipedia yang dilindungi penuh', ['all|all|office|all|all'] = 'Wikipedia Office-protected pages', ['all|all|reset|all|all'] = 'Wikipedia Office-protected pages', ['all|all|dmca|all|all'] = 'Wikipedia Office-protected pages', ['all|all|mainpage|all|all'] = 'Berkas halaman utama Wikipedia yang dilindungi penuh', ['all|all|all|extendedconfirmed|all'] = 'Wikipedia pages under 30-500 editing restriction', ['all|all|ecp|extendedconfirmed|all'] = 'Wikipedia pages under 30-500 editing restriction', ['all|template|all|all|edit'] = 'Templat Wikipedia yang dilindungi penuh', ['all|all|all|autoconfirmed|edit'] = 'Halaman Wikipedia yang dilindungi sebagian', ['indef|all|all|autoconfirmed|edit'] = 'Halaman Wikipedia yang dilindungi sebagian tanpa batas waktu', ['all|all|blp|autoconfirmed|edit'] = 'Wikipedia indefinitely semi-protected biographies of living people', ['temp|all|blp|autoconfirmed|edit'] = 'Wikipedia temporarily semi-protected biographies of living people', ['all|all|dispute|autoconfirmed|edit'] = 'Halaman Wikipedia yang dilindungi sebagian karena perselisihan', ['all|all|sock|autoconfirmed|edit'] = 'Halaman Wikipedia yang dilindungi sebagian dari pengguna yang diblokir', ['all|all|vandalism|autoconfirmed|edit'] = 'Halaman Wikipedia yang dilindungi sebagian dari vandalisme', ['all|category|all|autoconfirmed|edit'] = 'Kategori Wikipedia yang dilindungi sebagian', ['all|file|all|autoconfirmed|edit'] = 'Berkas Wikipedia yang dilindungi sebagian', ['all|portal|all|autoconfirmed|edit'] = 'Portal Wikipedia yang dilindungi sebagian', ['all|project|all|autoconfirmed|edit'] = 'Halaman proyek Wikipedia yang dilindungi sebagian', ['all|talk|all|autoconfirmed|edit'] = 'Halaman pembicaraan Wikipedia yang dilindungi sebagian', ['all|template|all|autoconfirmed|edit'] = 'Templat Wikipedia yang dilindungi sebagian', ['all|user|all|autoconfirmed|edit'] = 'Halaman pengguna dan pembicaraan pengguna Wikipedia yang dilindungi sebagian', ['all|template|all|templateeditor|edit'] = 'Templat Wikipedia yang dilindungi dari templat', ['all|all|blp|sysop|edit'] = 'Wikipedia indefinitely protected biographies of living people', ['temp|all|blp|sysop|edit'] = 'Wikipedia temporarily protected biographies of living people', ['all|all|dispute|sysop|edit'] = 'Halaman Wikipedia yang dilindungi karena perselisihan', ['all|all|sock|sysop|edit'] = 'Halaman Wikipedia yang dilindungi dari pengguna yang diblokir', ['all|all|vandalism|sysop|edit'] = 'Halaman Wikipedia yang dilindungi dari vandalisme', ['all|category|all|sysop|edit'] = 'Kategori Wikipedia yang dilindungi', ['all|file|all|sysop|edit'] = 'Berkas Wikipedia yang dilindungi penuh', ['all|project|all|sysop|edit'] = 'Halaman proyek Wikipedia yang dilindungi penuh', ['all|talk|all|sysop|edit'] = 'Halaman pembicaraan Wikipedia yang dilindungi penuh', ['all|template|all|sysop|edit'] = 'Templat Wikipedia yang dilindungi penuh', ['all|user|all|sysop|edit'] = 'Halaman pengguna dan pembicaraan pengguna Wikipedia yang dilindungi', ['all|module|all|all|edit'] = 'Modul Wikipedia yang dilindungi penuh', ['all|module|all|templateeditor|edit'] = 'Modul Wikipedia yang dilindungi dari templat', ['all|module|all|autoconfirmed|edit'] = 'Modul Wikipedia yang dilindungi sebagian', ['all|all|all|sysop|move'] = 'Halaman Wikipedia yang dilindungi dari pemindahan', ['indef|all|all|sysop|move'] = 'Halaman Wikipedia yang dilindungi dari pemindahan tanpa batas waktu', ['all|all|dispute|sysop|move'] = 'Halaman Wikipedia yang dilindungi dari pemindahan karena perselisihan', ['all|all|vandalism|sysop|move'] = 'Halaman Wikipedia yang dilindungi dari pemindahan karena vandalisme', ['all|portal|all|sysop|move'] = 'Portal Wikipedia yang dilindungi dari pemindahan', ['all|portal|all|sysop|move'] = 'Portal Wikipedia yang dilindungi dari pemindahan', ['all|project|all|sysop|move'] = 'Halaman Wikipedia yang dilindungi dari pemindahan', ['all|talk|all|sysop|move'] = 'Halaman pembicaraan Wikipedia yang dilindungi dari pemindahan', ['all|template|all|sysop|move'] = 'Templat Wikipedia yang dilindungi dari pemindahan', ['all|user|all|sysop|move'] = 'Halaman pengguna dan pembicaraan pengguna Wikipedia yang dilindungi dari pemindahan', ['all|all|all|autoconfirmed|autoreview'] = 'Wikipedia pending changes protected pages (level 1)', ['all|all|all|reviewer|autoreview'] = 'Wikipedia pending changes protected pages (level 2)', ['all|file|all|all|upload'] = 'Berkas Wikipedia yang dilindungi dari pengunggahan', }, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Expiry category config -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This table configures the expiry category behaviour for each protection -- action. -- * If set to true, setting that action will always categorise the page if -- an expiry parameter is not set. -- * If set to false, setting that action will never categorise the page. -- * If set to nil, the module will categorise the page if: -- 1) an expiry parameter is not set, and -- 2) a reason is provided, and -- 3) the specified reason is not blacklisted in the reasonsWithoutExpiryCheck -- table. expiryCheckActions = { edit = nil, move = false, autoreview = true, upload = false }, reasonsWithoutExpiryCheck = { blp = true, template = true, }, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Pagetypes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This table produces the page types available with the ${PAGETYPE} parameter. -- Keys are namespace numbers, or the string "default" for the default value. pagetypes = { [0] = 'Artikel', [6] = 'Berkas', [10] = 'Templat', [14] = 'Kategori', [828] = 'Modul', default = 'Halaman' }, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Strings marking indefinite protection -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This table contains values passed to the expiry parameter that mean the page -- is protected indefinitely. indefStrings = { ['indef'] = true, ['indefinite'] = true, ['indefinitely'] = true, ['infinite'] = true, }, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Group hierarchy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This table maps each group to all groups that have a superset of the original -- group's page editing permissions. hierarchy = { sysop = {}, reviewer = {'sysop'}, filemover = {'sysop'}, templateeditor = {'sysop'}, extendedconfirmed = {'sysop'}, autoconfirmed = {'reviewer', 'filemover', 'templateeditor', 'extendedconfirmed'}, user = {'autoconfirmed'}, ['*'] = {'user'} }, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Wrapper templates and their default arguments -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This table contains wrapper templates used with the module, and their -- default arguments. Templates specified in this table should contain the -- following invocation, and no other template content: -- -- {{#invoke:Protection banner|main}} -- -- If other content is desired, it can be added between -- <noinclude>...</noinclude> tags. -- -- When a user calls one of these wrapper templates, they will use the -- default arguments automatically. However, users can override any of the -- arguments. wrappers = { ['Template:Pp'] = {}, ['Template:Pp-30-500'] = {'ecp'}, ['Template:Pp-blp'] = {'blp'}, -- we don't need Template:Pp-create ['Template:Pp-dispute'] = {'dispute'}, ['Template:Pp-main-page'] = {'mainpage'}, ['Template:Pp-move'] = {action = 'move'}, ['Template:Pp-move-dispute'] = {'dispute', action = 'move'}, -- we don't need Template:Pp-move-indef ['Template:Pp-move-vandalism'] = {'vandalism', action = 'move'}, ['Template:Pp-office'] = {'office'}, ['Template:Pp-office-dmca'] = {'dmca'}, ['Template:Pp-pc1'] = {action = 'autoreview', small = true}, ['Template:Pp-pc2'] = {action = 'autoreview', small = true}, ['Template:Pp-reset'] = {'reset'}, ['Template:Pp-semi-indef'] = {small = true}, ['Template:Pp-sock'] = {'sock'}, ['Template:Pp-template'] = {'template', small = true}, ['Template:Pp-upload'] = {action = 'upload'}, ['Template:Pp-usertalk'] = {'usertalk'}, ['Template:Pp-vandalism'] = {'vandalism'}, }, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- MESSAGES -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- msg = { -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Intro blurb and intro fragment -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- These messages specify what is produced by the ${INTROBLURB} and -- ${INTROFRAGMENT} parameters. If the protection is temporary they use the -- intro-blurb-expiry or intro-fragment-expiry, and if not they use -- intro-blurb-noexpiry or intro-fragment-noexpiry. -- It is possible to use banner parameters in these messages. ['intro-blurb-expiry'] = '${PROTECTIONBLURB} hingga ${EXPIRY}.', ['intro-blurb-noexpiry'] = '${PROTECTIONBLURB}.', ['intro-fragment-expiry'] = '${PROTECTIONBLURB} hingga XPIRY},', ['intro-fragment-noexpiry'] = '${PROTECTIONBLURB}', -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Tooltip blurb -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- These messages specify what is produced by the ${TOOLTIPBLURB} parameter. -- If the protection is temporary the tooltip-blurb-expiry message is used, and -- if not the tooltip-blurb-noexpiry message is used. -- It is possible to use banner parameters in these messages. ['tooltip-blurb-expiry'] = '${PAGETYPE} ini ${PROTECTIONLEVEL} hingga ${EXPIRY}.', ['tooltip-blurb-noexpiry'] = '${PAGETYPE} ini ${PROTECTIONLEVEL}.', ['tooltip-fragment-expiry'] = '${PAGETYPE} ini ${PROTECTIONLEVEL} hingga ${EXPIRY},', ['tooltip-fragment-noexpiry'] = '${PAGETYPE} ini ${PROTECTIONLEVEL}', -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Special explanation blurb -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- An explanation blurb for pages that cannot be unprotected, e.g. for pages -- in the MediaWiki namespace. -- It is possible to use banner parameters in this message. ['explanation-blurb-nounprotect'] = 'Lihat [[Wikipedia:Kebijakan pelindungan|' .. 'kebijakan pelindungan]] dan ${PROTECTIONLOG} untuk informasi selengkapnya.' .. ' Mohon diskusikan perubahan yang ingin dilakukan di ${TALKPAGE}; Anda' .. ' juga mungkin ingin ${EDITREQUEST} untuk meminta' .. ' [[Wikipedia:Pengurus|pengurus]] untuk melakukan penyuntingan jika' .. ' permintaan tersebut [[Bantuan:Suntingan kecil#Kapan untuk menandai sebuah suntingan sebagai suntingan kecil' .. '|tidak kontroversial]] atau didukung oleh [[Wikipedia:Konsensus' .. '|konsensus]].', -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Protection log display values -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- These messages determine the display values for the protection log link -- or the pending changes log link produced by the ${PROTECTIONLOG} parameter. -- It is possible to use banner parameters in these messages. ['protection-log-display'] = 'log pelindungan', ['pc-log-display'] = 'log perubahan tertunda', -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Current version display values -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- These messages determine the display values for the page history link -- or the move log link produced by the ${CURRENTVERSION} parameter. -- It is possible to use banner parameters in these messages. ['current-version-move-display'] = 'judul saat ini', ['current-version-edit-display'] = 'versi saat ini', -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Talk page -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This message determines the display value of the talk page link produced -- with the ${TALKPAGE} parameter. -- It is possible to use banner parameters in this message. ['talk-page-link-display'] = 'halaman pembicaraan', -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Edit requests -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This message determines the display value of the edit request link produced -- with the ${EDITREQUEST} parameter. -- It is possible to use banner parameters in this message. ['edit-request-display'] = 'permintaan penyuntingan', -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Expiry date format -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This is the format for the blurb expiry date. It should be valid input for -- the first parameter of the #time parser function. ['expiry-date-format'] = 'j F Y', -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Tracking categories -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- These messages determine which tracking categories the module outputs. ['tracking-category-incorrect'] = 'Wikipedia pages with incorrect protection templates', ['tracking-category-template'] = 'Wikipedia template-protected pages other than templates and modules', -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Images -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- These are images that are not defined by their protection action and protection level. ['image-filename-indef'] = 'Full-protection-shackle.svg', ['image-filename-default'] = 'Transparent.gif', -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- End messages -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- End configuration -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- }