Kategori:Wikipedia articles needing factual verification

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Templat:Wikipedia articles needing factual verification progress

Mohon tambahkan artikel ke dalam kategori ini dengan menggunakan {{Verify source}} atau {{Nonspecific}}.

Use the {{Verify source}} or {{Nonspecific}} tags to put articles into this category. {{Check}} is a redirect to {{Verify source}}. This category is a self-reference.

Pages in this category sorted by importance/pageviews (Takes a couple minutes to load due to the size of this list)

Don't want to verify or work on a whole page?[sunting | sunting sumber]

Why not work on a WP:Citation needed statement. There are 0 articles that have single sentences needing additional Verification. The tool Citation Hunt makes that easier by suggesting random articles, which you can sort by topical category membership.

I can help! Give me a random citation to find!

Saat ini, tidak terdapat halaman ataupun media dalam kategori ini.