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[lihat] [sunting] [riwayat] [hapus singgahan] Ikon dokumentasi Dokumentasi templat

Usage[sunting sumber]

Tnull is used to nullify templates in the monospaced font. It is similar to {{tlx}} in the way that it has support for many parameters, but it does not link the template name. It is similar to {{tlc}}, but does not prevent text wrapping.

Example[sunting sumber]

Typing {{tnull|foo|bar|baz|boo}} in the edit window would yield {{foo|bar|baz|boo}} in the rendered page.

Special character handling[sunting sumber]

"=" (equality sign)[sunting sumber]

If there is a "=" character (equality/equals sign) in any parameter, it must be replaced with = [or {{=}}?]:

{{tnull|click|image=image name|width=width|height=height|link=page name}}

Or you can use parameter-number=value as in:

{{tnull|click|2=image=image name|3=width=width|4=height=height|5=link=page name}}

Either method would yield the following output:

{{click|image=image name|width=width|height=height|link=page name}}

"|" (vertical bar, pipe)[sunting sumber]

If a second consecutive pipe (|) is used to denote that a parameter has been skipped, you must replace it with | as in:

{{tnull|look from|Alan||all the Alans}}

That would yield the following displayed output:

{{look from|Alan||all the Alans}}

TemplateData[sunting sumber]

TemplateData documentation used by VisualEditor and other tools
Lihat laporan penggunaan parameter bulanan untuk templat ini.

TemplateData untuk Tnull

Show example template usage without expanding the template itself. Unlike {{tlx}}, does not link the template.

[Kelola data templat]

Parameter templat

Templat ini lebih menyukai format parameter dalam satu baris.

Template name1

Name of the template to link

Templatwajib diisi
1st parameter2

tidak ada keterangan

2nd parameter3

tidak ada keterangan

3rd parameter4

tidak ada keterangan

4th parameter5

tidak ada keterangan

5th parameter6

tidak ada keterangan

6th parameter7

tidak ada keterangan

7th parameter8

tidak ada keterangan

8th parameter9

tidak ada keterangan

9th parameter10

tidak ada keterangan

10th parameter11

tidak ada keterangan


See also[sunting sumber]

Comparison of template-linking templates according to the styles of generated text and link produced
Text style ↓ {{tlg}} options[note 1]
to achieve text style
Link style
Linked Unlinked Linked with subst
{{tlg}} options[note 1]
to achieve link style
N/A DEFAULT nolink=1 subst=1
normal DEFAULT
  • {{tlg}}[note 1]
  • {{tl}}
  • {{tlp|1|2|...}}[note 2]
code code=1
monospace mono=1[note 4]
plaincode plaincode=1[note 5]
kbd kbd=1[note 6]

Templat:NoteFoot [[Category:Internal template-link templates{{#translation:}}]] [[Category:Typing-aid templates{{#translation:}}]]

Kesalahan pengutipan: Ditemukan tag <ref> untuk kelompok bernama "note", tapi tidak ditemukan tag <references group="note"/> yang berkaitan