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[lihat] [sunting] [riwayat] [hapus singgahan] Ikon dokumentasi Dokumentasi templat

This is the template link with parameters (or {{tlp}}) template.

It can be used in documentation and talk page discussions to show how a template name would be used in code.

Here is how this template looks. Code to the left and actual rendering to the right:

{{tlp|name|parameters}} = {{name|parameters}}

Features of {{tlp}}:

  • It shows a template name with a link to that template.
  • It shows up to eight parameters.
  • It also shows empty parameters. (See examples below.)
  • It prevents line wraps in its output.
  • It uses normal text style. ({{tlx}}, for instance, uses <code>...</code> text style.)

This template belongs to a whole family of similar templates. See the see also section below for some of them. For instance, when writing documentation you might want to avoid a lot of unnecessary links, since it decreases readability – i.e. on the first occurrence of a template name, use {{tl}}, {{tlp}} or {{Tlx}} and thereafter use {{tlf}}, {{tlc}}.

Examples[sunting sumber]

Code Output Comments
{{tlp}} {{[[Templat:{{{1}}}|{{{1}}}]]}} Shows its own syntax.
{{tlp|name}} {{name}}
{{tlp|name|first}} {{name|first}}
{{tlp|name|first|last}} {{name|first|last}}
{{tlp|name|a|b|c|d|e|f|g|h|i|j}} {{name|a|b|c|d|e|f|g|h}} Shows up to eight parameters. The rest are dropped.
{{tlp|name||three|four}} {{name four}} Also shows empty parameters.
{{tlp|name||three|}} {{name }} Even shows empty parameters that come at the end.
{{tlp|name|first=a|last=b}} {{name}} Equal signs are a problem, but there are a couple ways to fix:
{{tlp|name|2=first=a|3=last=b}} {{name|first=a|last=b}} Use numbered parameters to fix it. Here, parameter "|2=" is assigned the string "first=a". Start with #2, since "name" is already in the "|1=" slot. Note that all subsequent parameters after a numbered parameter must also be numbered.
{{tlp|name|first{{=}}a|last{{=}}b}} {{name|first=a|last=b}} Or, simply use, "{{=}}", the equal-sign template, to "escape" the symbol.
{{tlp|name|2=1=a|3=2=b}} {{name|1=a|2=b}} Both techniques also work with numbered positional parameters (e.g.: "|1=", "|2=").
{{tlp|name|2=1=a|last{{=}}b}} {{name|last=b}} The named parameter ("|last=") clobbered the prior one ("|2="). Again, all subsequent parameters after a numbered parameter must also be numbered...
{{tlp|name|2=1=a|3=last=b}} {{name|1=a|last=b}} ... but that's easy to fix, by adding the position number ("|3=") to the last parameter.

TemplateData[sunting sumber]

Ini dokumennya TemplateData untuk template ini digunakan oleh VisualEditor dan alat lainnya; lihat laporan penggunaan parameter bulanan untuk templat ini.

TemplateData untuk Tlp

Template link with parameters

[Kelola data templat]

Parameter templat

Templat ini lebih menyukai format parameter dalam satu baris.


Linked template name

Templatwajib diisi
Parameter 12

First parameter value

Parameter 23

Second parameter value

Parameter 34

Third parameter value

Parameter 45

Fourth parameter value

Parameter 56

Fifth parameter value

Parameter 67

Sixth parameter value

Parameter 78

Seventh parameter value

Parameter 89

Eight parameter value


See also[sunting sumber]

Comparison of template-linking templates according to the styles of generated text and link produced
Text style ↓ {{tlg}} options[note 1]
to achieve text style
Link style
Linked Unlinked Linked with subst
{{tlg}} options[note 1]
to achieve link style
N/A DEFAULT nolink=1 subst=1
normal DEFAULT
code code=1
monospace mono=1[note 4]
plaincode plaincode=1[note 5]
kbd kbd=1[note 6]

Templat:NoteFoot [[Category:Internal template-link templates{{#translation:}}]]

Kesalahan pengutipan: Ditemukan tag <ref> untuk kelompok bernama "note", tapi tidak ditemukan tag <references group="note"/> yang berkaitan