Modul:Country extract: Perbedaan antara revisi

Tidak ada perubahan ukuran ,  1 tahun yang lalu
1 revisi diimpor
(←Membuat halaman berisi 'local p = {} -- -- to enable us to replicate the current functioning of CountryAbbr and CountryAbbr2 -- We need to deal with -- 1 alternative names ISO 3166 should do that -- 2 {{<name>}} -- 3 [ [<name>] ] -- 4 [ [<name>|<junk>] ] -- 5 [ [image:flag of <country>.[svg|gif|png|jpg]|\d+px] ] -- function p.extractCountry(frame) local string= mw.ustring.toNFC (frame.args[1]) local match=nil; match = mw.ustring.match(string, "Bendera ([^\.]*)") if (match)...')
k (1 revisi diimpor)
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