
[lihat] [sunting] [riwayat] [hapus singgahan] Ikon dokumentasi Dokumentasi templat
( or )
( or )
( or )
( or )
( etc )

Templat ini dibuat sebagai templat dasar (meta-template): templat digunakan untuk membuat templat lainnya. Templat ini tidak dibuat untuk dipasang secara langsung pada suatu artikel, namun tetap dapat digunakan jika perlu. Silakan lihat Bantuan:Kotak_info untuk keterangan lebih lanjut mengenai kotak info. Untuk daftar templat yang dapat langsung digunakan silakan lihat di.


| name     = {{{name|{{PAGENAME}}}}}
| image    = {{{image|}}}
| caption1 = {{{caption|}}}

| label1   = Nama sebelumnya
|  data1   = {{{former_names|}}}

| header2  = Informasi umum

| label3   = Status
|  data3   = {{{status|}}}
... <!-- etc. -->

Templat adalah sebuah meta-templat, yaitu sebuah templat yang digunakan untuk membuat templat lain. Templat ini tidak diperuntukkan untuk digunakan secara langsung di dalam sebuah artikel. Baca Bantuan:Kotak info untuk informasi bagaimana cara membuat kotak info secara umum.

Penggunaannya mirip dengan {{navbox}}, tapi dengan beberapa perbedaan. Setiap baris pada tabel dapat berfungsi sebagai "header", atau gabungan dari label dan data, atau hanya data saja.


Menampilkan/Mendiskusikan/Menyunting pranala

The template page name that the "view/discuss/edit" links should point to. You can use {{subst:PAGENAME}}. If this parameter is omitted the view/discuss/edit links will not be displayed.


Text in caption over infobox
(the rest of the infobox goes here)
Text in uppermost cell of infobox
(the rest of the infobox goes here)

Ada dua cara berbeda untuk menempatkan judul pada kotak info. Satu berisi judul di dalam batas infobox, yang lain meletakkannya di atas sebagai keterangan. Anda dapat menggunakan keduanya bersama-sama jika Anda suka, atau hanya satu atau yang lain, atau bahkan tidak keduanya (meskipun ini tidak disarankan).

Teks yang akan dituliskan di atas tabel.
Teks untuk dimasukkan ke dalam sel paling atas dari tabel.

Konten opsional

Sebuah type untuk menampilkan miniaksi dalam Wikidata.
Sebuah tipe bahasa untuk menampilkan bahasa yang sesuai untuk infobox dalam bahasa (Contoh: id) Anda.
Sebuah gambar untuk di tampilkan di bagian atas templat. Gunakan gambar penuh sintaks, misalnya [[Image:example.png|200px]]. Gambar adalah berpusat secara default.
Teks untuk ditempatkan di bawah gambar.
Teks untuk digunakan sebagai header di baris n.
Teks untuk digunakan sebagai label di baris n.
Teks untuk ditampilkan sebagai data dalam baris n.
Teks untuk dimasukkan ke dalam sel bawah. Sel bawah ini dimaksudkan untuk catatan kaki, lihat-juga, dan informasi lainnya.

Optional CSS styling

Applies to the infobox table as a whole
Applies only to the title caption. Adding a background color is usually inadvisable since the text is rendered "outside" the infobox.
Applies only to the "above" cell at the top. The default style has font-size:large; since this cell is usually used for a title, if you want to use the above cell for regular-sized text include "font-size:medium;" in the abovestyle.
Applies to the cell the image is in. This includes the text of the image caption, but you should set text properties with captionstyle instead of imagestyle in case the caption is moved out of this cell in the future.
Applies to the text of the image caption.
Applies to all header cells
Applies to all label cells
Applies to all data cells
Applies only to the below cell


This parameter is inserted into the "class" attribute for the infobox as a whole
This parameter is inserted into the "class" attribute for the data cell of the specified row. If there's no data cell it has no effect.
This parameter is inserted into the "class" attribute for the infobox's title caption.
This parameter is inserted into the "class" attribute for the infobox's above cell.

This template supports the addition of microformat information. This is done by adding "class" attributes to various data cells, indicating what kind of information is contained within. To flag an infobox as containing hCard information, for example, add the following parameter:

|bodyclass = vcard

And for each row containing a data cell that's part of the vcard, add a corresponding class parameter:

|class1 = fn
|class2 = org
|class3 = tel

...and so forth. "above" and "title" can also be given classes, since these are usually used to display the name of the subject of the infobox.

See Wikipedia:WikiProject Microformats for more information on adding microformat information to Wikipedia, and microformats.org for more information on microformats in general.

Making fields optional

A row with a label but no data is not displayed. This allows for the easy creation of optional infobox content rows. To make a row optional use a parameter that defaults to an empty string, like so:

|label5 = Population
|data5  = {{{population|}}}

This way if an article doesn't define the population parameter in its infobox the row won't be displayed.

For more complex fields with pre-formated contents that would still be present even if the parameter wasn't set, you can wrap it all in an "#if" statement to make the whole thing vanish when the parameter is not used. For instance, the "#if" statement in the following example reads "#if:the parameter mass has been supplied |then display it, followed by 'kg'":

|label6 = Mass
|data6  = {{#if:{{{mass|}}} |{{{mass}}} kg}}

For more on #if, see here.
You can also make headers optional in a similar way. If you want a header to appear only if one or more of the data fields that fall under it are filled, one could use the following pattern as an example of how to do it:

|lang    = en
|name    = {{subst:PAGENAME}}
|title   = Example of an optional header
|header1 = {{#if:{{{item_one|}}}{{{item_two|}}}{{{item_three|}}} |Optional header}}
|label2  = Item one
|data2   = {{{item_one|}}}
|label3  = Item two
|data3   = {{{item_two|}}}
|label4  = Item three
|data4   = {{{item_three|}}}

header1 will be shown if any of item_one, item_two, or item_three is defined. If none of the three parameters are defined the header won't be shown.

The trick to this is that the "if" returns false only if there is nothing whatsoever in the conditional section, so only if all three of item_one, item_two and item_three are undefined will the if statement fail.


Tes Infobox
Caption for example.png
Header defined alone
Data defined alone
All three defined (header)
Label and data defined (label)Label and data defined (data)
Below text
|name    = Infobox/doc
|title   = Test Infobox
|image   = [[Berkas:example.png|200px]]
|caption = Caption for example.png

|headerstyle  = background:#ccf;
|labelstyle   = background:#ddf;

|header1 = Header defined alone
|label1  = 
|data1   = 
|header2 = 
|label2  = Label defined alone
|data2   = 
|header3 = 
|label3  = 
|data3   = Data defined alone
|header4 = All three defined (header)
|label4  = All three defined (label)
|data4   = All three defined (data)
|header5 = 
|label5  = Label and data defined (label)
|data5   = Label and data defined (data)

|belowstyle = background:#ddf;
|below = Below text

Notice how when a label is defined without an accompanying data cell the row doesn't appear in the displayed infobox, and when a header is defined on the same row as a data cell the header takes precedence.

For this example, bodystyle = width:20em; and labelstyle = width:33%;

Test Infobox
Label 1Data 1
Label 2Data 2
Label 3Data 3
Header 4
Label 5Data 5: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Below text

Sintaks penuh kosong

(Catatan: templat saat ini menangani hingga 110 baris; hanya 20 disertakan di sini sejak infoboxes lebih besar daripada yang akan relatif jarang. Hanya memperpanjang penomoran yang diperlukan. Parameter "kelas" microformat juga dihilangkan karena mereka tidak umum digunakan.)

|name         = {{subst:PAGENAME}}
|bodystyle    = 
|title        = 
|titlestyle   = 
|above        = 
|abovestyle   = 
|image        = 
|imagestyle   = 
|caption      = 
|captionstyle = 
|headerstyle  = 
|labelstyle   = 
|datastyle    = 

|header1  = 
|label1   = 
|data1    = 
|header2  = 
|label2   = 
|data2    = 
|header3  = 
|label3   = 
|data3    = 
|header4  = 
|label4   = 
|data4    = 
|header5  = 
|label5   = 
|data5    = 
|header6  = 
|label6   = 
|data6    = 
|header7  = 
|label7   = 
|data7    = 
|header8  = 
|label8   = 
|data8    = 
|header9  = 
|label9   = 
|data9    = 
|header10 = 
|label10  = 
|data10   = 
|header11 = 
|label11  = 
|data11   = 
|header12 = 
|label12  = 
|data12   = 
|header13 = 
|label13  = 
|data13   = 
|header14 = 
|label14  = 
|data14   = 
|header15 = 
|label15  = 
|data15   = 
|header16 = 
|label16  = 
|data16   = 
|header17 = 
|label17  = 
|data17   = 
|header18 = 
|label18  = 
|data18   = 
|header19 = 
|label19  = 
|data19   = 
|header20 = 
|label20  = 
|data20   = 

|belowstyle =
|below = 

Lihat pula

See also