Modul:ScribuntoUnit/config: Riwayat revisi

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Keterangan: (skrg) = perbedaan dengan revisi terbaru, (sblm) = perbedaan dengan revisi sebelumnya, k = suntingan kecil.

22 September 2023

  • skrgsblm 10.5922 September 2023 10.59Adminjavasatu bicara kontrib 1.552 bita +1.552 ←Membuat halaman berisi '-- The cfg table, created by this module, contains all localisable strings and -- configuration, to make it easier to port this module to another wiki. local cfg = {} -- Do not edit this line. -- The successIndicator and failureIndicator are in the first column of the -- wikitable produced as output and indicate whether the test passed. These two -- strings are preprocessed by frame.preprocess. -- successIndicator: if the test passes -- failureIndicator: if the...'